Our past assignment in Space Studio was to take 30 photos of architectural structures that were aesthetically pleasing to us. Then we had to choose a couple of those photos to use them as inspiration for our project. We were assigned to create a straw structure keeping in mind that we need to make it site specific to a pedestal.
I chose this photo of the Maccabee building in Detroit (where I work), because of the arch. There is something about it that I find striking. It's not the gold surrounding the arch, it's the actual arch it-self. I can't quite figure out why I enjoy it so much...I just do.
I found the diamonds to be simply complex, if that makes any sense. Although they are "cute little diamonds" I find them to be complex because of how they intertwine with each other.
I had a plan, hence HAD, but as we all know plans never really work for me. I planned on having multiple arches in the center of the pedestal with a ring of the "diamond" shapes surrounding it. We were only assigned two days to work on this project and I missed a class because I was sick. If I would have went to class that day I would have gotten feedback in class and would have had a better structure.
Knowing I was in a time crunch from missing a class, I changed my original plan drastically. I won't say I hate what I created, but I will say that I'm not really proud of it. But yet that's the whole point of this project right? It's research, it's not supposed to be "perfect". Still, I wish I would have done something different...although I do like the diamond shapes I created.
During critique it was mentioned that the arch (the red straws) were unnecessary. It's was just a plain, basic structure with "cute" diamonds attached to it. I agree. My professor suggested not using the red straws next time and using only the diamond shapes to create a form. Possibly attach the diamonds at the top of the structure. Since we are using this as "research" for our next project I probably will get rid of the "arch" in general and try to recreate it in some other form.
We also discussed the bottom piece of my structure and how it really wasn't three dimensional. I should have taken that into more consideration. Since we are using this as "research" for our upcoming project I will keep in mind that it needs to be three dimensional throughout the entire structure, or else it becomes this boring thing. With the next project we are using rice paper, rice glue, hot glue, and are limited to 30 feet worth of quarter inch wood. I'm rather excited to be working in the wood shop and using wood as material, I've never really worked with it before and it'll definitely be a challenge. This time I will follow my plan better while keeping in mind that it may or may not work out. With some parts I will probably just "go with the flow" too. Also I'll be there for all my classes that way "time" won't become an issue.