
11:45 PM

Something amazing happened to me in my Philosophy of Art class. I felt it necessary to share.

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I arrived to class late because I was too focused on my photo assignment from my previous class (oops...). I wasn't that late though, just by a minute or two. Anyway, I stumbled into the class with all my supplies: backpack, purse and twelve 1/4" dowels. A classmate of mine and former resident of mine (I was an Resident Advisor last year) turned to me and quietly asked me "What are those for?" referring to the dowels. I replied: "They're for my final in my Space Studio class, we're building kites!" I pulled out the template for my chosen kite and showed her. After her nod of approval, she whispered "I stumbled across your blog through a friend of mine. I was quite inspired by it". "Oh really? Wow, thank you!" was all I could really get out. I was in somewhat shock because I really never spoke to her much. Even when she was my resident. She wasn't on my floor but we still waved and said hello whenever we did see each other. Where I was sitting in class today wasn't my usual spot either, normally I sit in the back corner. I like feeling like I can see everything going on. Since I was late, I lost that "spot". Which ended up being a good thing! 

After class I turned and told her how much I appreciated her sharing how she has seen my blog and has even been inspired by it, because it seriously made my day. The little girl inside of me was dancing. It's really exciting to hear that people are finding my blog, reading it and are inspired by it. I'm happy to know that people I don't really know, are finding my blog. I think that's the beauty of her brief comment. It's just nice to physically hear that my audience has expanded. Of course I'm so thankful for EVERYONE who has been following me since day one. If it weren't for my first readers, I may have not kept up with my posts! 

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