Almost everyday I find out about something new to do in the little ole' mitten. I found this article that features 10 awesome things to do in Metro Detroit here. To be honest I have only done 1 out of 10 things! I have already written about #8 Free Art Detroit Friday here. Looks like I have more exploring to do! I can't wait! Please share your experiences if you have ever done any of them! I would LOVE to hear (:
Last night I was playing around with my camera. Out of 192 photos, this was the only decent photo I got. What makes me like it so much is how it came out. I did no editing what so ever. I achieved this effect by covering part of the flash with my hand. I never like using flash, but in this case I do. What do you think? Yay or nay?
This is Sasha. She is not my dog unfortunately. I had the privilege to babysit her this weekend. I already miss having her around. I can't wait to have a dog of my own again. I really miss that companionship.
Apart of dog babysitting is making sure Sasha goes outside to take care of her doggie duties (pun intended). Since our yard doesn't have a gate I had to accompany her. While I waited for her to take care of business I found this HUGE clover. It's biggest clover I've EVER found. I've always wanted to find a big four leaf clover too! Now I can finally say I have one! I was so happy when I found it and still am!
The first time I went to Luna Pier was when I was taking senior pictures for my cousin Sam (they turned out great by the way). It's so peaceful, serene and secluded. A great place to walk around, take photos and enjoy it's beautiful nature.
The whole beach is full of tiny little shells. I took some back home with me the last time I was there. I plan on doing a few crafty things with them! To get to this lovely place take I-75 South to exit 6- Luna Pier. Turn left when you get off the freeway and keep driving until you can't go anywhere else (:
First off, I took this picture on the pier near by Malibu Beach, California. I was super stoked to find a Zoltar just like the one from the movie Big.
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Today, while reading one of my favorite blogs (D E S I G N L O V E F E S T), I came across a site called The Secret Language of Birthdays, that did a 40 year study of over 20,000 people organized by birthdays. My birthday is October, 15. My icon is "The Day of the World's Stage". My icon is kind of funky, it would make a cool art piece. results were mostly accurate, as much as I don't want to admit it. It's rather made me ponder for a bit. The site gives you insight on all of your good and bad traits. Be warned, it can be a little harsh. The advice it gave me is as followed:
Calm down a bit.
Calm down a bit.
Your bold actions can make for negative reactions.
Listen to what others, particularly adversaires are saying.
You can't always do what you wish.
Compromise has its place.I can't say that I haven't heard this advice before! Especially the calm down a bit advice. When I get excited about things I go bonkers, but in a good way and with good intentions. Click here to look at your results. Do you think they are correct? Or do you think it's just a bunch of nonsense?
It seems like the only good photos I can get of my outfits is without my face in the The shorts were originally apart of a romper. One day I decided that I didn't like it as a romper anymore. I knew I would get more use if I were to cut it in half. I'm glad I did. What do you think?
Blue Tank: Charlotte Russe
Grey Tank: Forever 21
Necklace: Forever 21
Shorts (Half of a romper): H&M
Shoes: Forever 21
I drew both of these for my Drawing 2 class last Fall semester. I love how simple they are and I think that's why I enjoyed making them so much. I remember I had to leave class to attend to something personal. From what my professor told me I missed out on a good critique. He told me the class was trying to figure out if there was a connection between the three drawings I submitted. So was there? Yes. I love Detroit, I love Michigan. Plain and simple.
![]() David and I have been watching The Walking Dead lately. We just finished Season 2 a couple nights ago. At first I wasn't very into it but now I cannot get enough of it! It's a great show and I highly recommend watching it. The meme above David made himself. As we were watching this scene he bursted out laughing saying how this scene should be a meme! Now it's a meme! I think it's pretty know that has to be what is on their minds when on an "eating spree". All this Walking Dead made me think back to when I participated in a Zombie Walk for hunger. Many cities do it! What you do is dress up like a zombie and bring canned goods or cash to donate for the hungry. Then, you walk around the designated area as zombies! They even have raffles and prizes to give out to people! It is a lot of fun! People get REALLY creative too and it's awesome. Here is a photo of my zombie self. |
Creepy right? I got really into it. I walked around like this for about half of the walk. I ruined my flats doing it...but it was worth it. There is even a short clip of my zombie self here. I don't appear in the video until 4:23. Feel free to skip to that part or watch the whole thing! This was when the "walk" was ending. The next Zombie Walk Detroit will be hosting will be Sunday, October 13, 2013. Click here to check it out!
I took this photo at Olvera Street over in Los Angles, California. It is one of my favorite spots to visit while I'm over visiting my family. I hope to go see them again soon! Possibly this summer? I stumbled upon this photo and wanted to share it. It's such a beautiful place. Especially at night. Olvera Street is a street full of vendors who sell authentic Mexican food, clothes, and all kinds of trinkets. If you are ever in the area I highly encourage you to stop by! Try Horchata and Mexican Hot Chocolate while you are there. Olvera Street is so full of Mexican culture! I love it! I am half Mexican and was unable to grow up with much Mexican culture so being around it always excites me. Here are a few other photos I took while I was there. |
Friday's happen to be one of my favorite days of the week. One reason why I love it so much is because of Free Art Detroit Friday. What is it exactly? Free Art Detroit Friday encourages people to get out, explore the city of Detroit and snag a FREE piece of art made by local artists. It promotes creativity in the community with art in any shape, style or form. Sometimes they will feature artists from other cities who also participate in Free Art Friday. Not too long ago we had Evereman send some of his pieces! He even hosted a workshop here in Detroit! So how does Free Art Detroit Friday work? Well, the artist create ANYTHING (the possibilities are endless), they go out, hide the piece of art anywhere in Detroit or in a nearby city, snap a photo and upload it onto Free Art Detroit Friday's Facebook page. Sometimes artist upload their images via Twitter and Instagram too. Make sure to search for #FAFDET. Once the photo is up then it's all up for grabs. If you can figure out where the piece is hidden and get to it before anyone else, then its all YOURS. After you finish your victory dance, make sure to take a photo of yourself (fun photos are encouraged) and the piece you found and upload it via Facebook or Twitter and Instagram. Or even all three! It's to let others know that it has a new home. Another rule of thumb to remember is to only take ONE piece per week. The purpose of this organization to spread the love!
Here is one of the pieces that I found through Free Art Detroit Friday. Agent Love made this piece. |
These were the other places I chose to hide my art that week.
To wrap things up, Free Art Detroit Friday is open to ANYONE in the community. The more the merrier! If you want to hide pieces of your own you can! You don't have to go through anything to participate. Just make sure to print out these slips to put with your art. If you're hunting, remember only ONE piece of art per week. Gotta spread the love! Also, if you are out and about it's good to have your phone handy. That way, you can keep checking to see if anyone found anything before you get to it. There have been a few times where I was on my way to retrieve a piece, but by the time I got there it was already gone. Each week people are getting faster and faster! But don't let that discourage you! It's crazy, but it's great! So if you and friends want something to do on a Friday or you are tired of the same ole' boring lunch break, get out and hunt for art! Explore the city while you are at it! Detroit has many great places to see. If you do not end up getting a piece of art, have no fear there will always be more (:
To wrap things up, Free Art Detroit Friday is open to ANYONE in the community. The more the merrier! If you want to hide pieces of your own you can! You don't have to go through anything to participate. Just make sure to print out these slips to put with your art. If you're hunting, remember only ONE piece of art per week. Gotta spread the love! Also, if you are out and about it's good to have your phone handy. That way, you can keep checking to see if anyone found anything before you get to it. There have been a few times where I was on my way to retrieve a piece, but by the time I got there it was already gone. Each week people are getting faster and faster! But don't let that discourage you! It's crazy, but it's great! So if you and friends want something to do on a Friday or you are tired of the same ole' boring lunch break, get out and hunt for art! Explore the city while you are at it! Detroit has many great places to see. If you do not end up getting a piece of art, have no fear there will always be more (:
I've been trying to eat healthier...trying to. For the past two days whenever I feel hungry but not hungry enough to eat a full meal, I'll cut strawberries and bananas and put them in a bowl. IT'S SO GOOD. It's more filling than I thought it would be too. I know the picture quality isn't the best but I was too eager to dive into this bowl and eat it! What other kind of "healthy" things can I eat that are budget friendly and are not too complicated to make!
Wednesday, David and I went to pick up my resized promise ring. (Yay I have it back!) Since we were in the area we decided to stop by one of our favorite Salvation Armies that we don't go to often. Here are a few things I found but sadly, did not buy.
I would LOVE to sip out of these cups every morning. The insects are so quirky, it's awesome.
If I baked more I totally would have picked this up. |
These little peacocks are so adorable. The blue one is my favorite. Wish I could have somewhere to display these beauties. |
BUT! I did leave the store with an AWESOME gem. I found this exact turntable for only $25. Everything but the CD player works. Which is fine because I'll ultimately use the record player. I have been searching for one for what seems like ages. I've found many of them at the thrift store but they were either not working or the needles were missing.
I only started this blog a few days ago and last night I had what I consider "A Meaningful Dream". I've had plenty of them in the past. Yet this one is a little different than the rest. Last night I had someone who passed away years ago. I had never met or seen in person before. In the dream, I did not talk to this person, I only saw them from a distance. This person was watching me and had the biggest smile on his face. When I woke up I was in such shock. I had a feeling what the dream meant but looked it up anyway. My gut was right. The person appeared in my dream to assure me that they have been watching over us. Also to let me know that their blessing have been given to us. I cried and still tear up thinking about it. They weren't tears of sadness. They were tears of shock and happiness. I keep asking myself "Why me? Out of all the people they appeared in MY dream." I think it is because they knew how much it would mean to me. I told David and all he could do is smile. I didn't even have to say what it meant because he already knew.
I chose the picture above because sometimes my dreams are just meshed together into a bunch of colors or nonsense. Some of the dreams I've had make me wonder, "Why did I dream this?". I find my self searching for the meaning behind my dreams all the time. What I have noticed in a lot of my dreams is the common theme of blue. It's a specific color blue. It's a mixture between a royal blue and a baby blue. Why blue? I have yet to figure that out yet. It's not my favorite color, my favorite color is red. Anyway, what makes me scratch my head the most, is the fact that the blue is a specific object. An object that isn't normally blue. I've dreamt many different things being blue. The ones that stick out the most were dreams about a blue yorkie being ran over, me running in a field of blue clovers, standing in front of the ocean with a giant blue whale being REALLY close to me (I know whales are blue, but not like the blue I dreamt about) and a blue cat given to me as a gift.
I even went as far as painting a blue cat for one of my 2D Design projects last semester. So what kind of things do you dream about?! Can anyone tell me why blue is a dominant color in a lot of my dreams?
Something that I haven't done in a long time is go outside and take pictures. I took this photo few years ago at a local park nearby the house I was living at. This photo was taken with me moving the camera vigorously with a slow shutter speed. I could not be more happy with the results. Every time I look at this picture I fall in love with it all over again. I've tried to snap other photos that look similar to it but have yet to get the same effect. From this day on I pledge to get back out there and take more photos and reunite with my Nikon.
Hola! I'm Elizabeth Reyes-Nightingale. Otherwise known as the girl with the long last name. You can call me Liz too. I live in the mitten, near the beautiful city of Detroit. I'm currently studying Art History at Wayne State University. I'm taken and in love with a handsome man named David. Also, I'm an avid thrifter and coffee drinker. I enjoy trying new foods, exploring new places and being "crafty". Searching for four leaf clovers is another hobby of mine! You'd be surprised by how many I've found! When I can I like to go out with my Nikon and take photos of anything I find intriguing. I dream almost every night. It's insane how vivid they are and how I remember almost each one. With this blog I hope to share all of the meaningful parts of my life, dreams, thoughts, adventures and experiences I'll have!
You can contact me at: