Annabelle Lee

6:07 PM

Our cute little kitten has a name! We named her the day after we brought her home! Her name is Annabelle Lee! I wanted to call her Bella but... that's my car's name (yes I know it's silly). I've always loved the name Isabelle but that name is saved for our future daughter... I've noticed that I'm very fond of names that have "elle" or "ella" in it. I thought about naming her Ella, but I didn't like it enough. I went online and searched "names ending in elle or ella". Many names were listed but only Annabelle stood out. The name meant several things such as: beautiful, lovable and joyful. I liked it. It reminded me about the poem Annabel Lee by Edgar Allen Poe. It's such a beautiful piece. Read it if you haven't already. After reading the poem again I no longer liked the name Annabelle, I loved it. I had a feeling we would call her Annabelle but I still searched for other names. Maybe I would find something better? I also wanted David to have a final say. After running the name by David and giving him time to think about it (kind of...) we decided to call her Annabelle Lee. 

Annabelle is such a joy to have (if you couldn't already tell). She cries when we leave the room, cuddles with us, falls asleep when we sing to her, loves her neck to be rubbed, makes funny noises when she jumps off the bed, loves to play with her toys, constantly wants to be petted, gives kisses, chases her tail, goes bonkers over baked chicken, eats other human foods, eats out of our hands, begs every time we eat, likes to become psycho kitty from 11pm-1am, wakes us up every morning around 5am, has the worst smelling farts and doesn't care about how many items David's places on her when she's asleep. I could list more but I think you get the point. Annabelle is and has been the purrr-fect kitten for us. 

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