Our New Kitten!

12:54 PM

Hello everyone! I'm so sorry I haven't wrote anything lately! My schedule has gotten busy very quickly, but in a positive way! Also, I have been having issues with my camera...boo! It still works, just not all the time... I will do my best to continue blogging about all the meaningful things, moments and dreams in my life!

Long story short I've been wanting a kitten FOREVER. I didn't expect to get her yesterday so it was a nice little surprise! (Thank you Auntie) I was so excited to get her that I made myself nervous! A little extreme? Maybe. I couldn't help myself. She is an adorable soft, calico kitten who falls asleep to me singing "Soft Kitty" from the Big Bang Theory and literally falls over when you scratch the left side of her neck (it must feel really good). Here is a little fun fact: most calico cats are female because the X chromosome determines the color of the cat or female cats. Like many mammals females have two X chromosomes and males have one X and one Y chromosome. Yet, the Y chromosome does not carry any colored genes. BUT...a male calico isn't impossible! In rare cases, a male calico (or tortoiseshell) would need to have XXY chromosomes. Interesting huh? I also went to the extreme of looking of my cat's sign. (I'm not crazy...just curious) She is a Leo! Fits her rather well! I also read a little folklore about calico cats. It's said that calico cats are believed to bring good luck and fortune! Never can have too much of those! Today she is two months old and currently does not have a name. (Comment below any ideas you have!) David and I are very happy and excited to have her in our lives! I can't wait to blog about my favorite moments with her <3

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