Project Bender

11:29 PM

One of the cool things about Space Studio is the fact that we're required to have a blog. Therefore we can document projects plans, progress, the finished product and critique's virtually. I enjoy the idea because it forces me to keep up with my blog throughout the year. It will help me better my work since I will be showing it to a larger audience instead of a class full of 20 students. 

For our first project we had to go into the wood shop with our assigned group, find a piece of equipment that was interesting to us, photograph the item, measure and collaborate the best possible way to recreate the basic structure (if time allows all the little details as well) using only rosin paper and masking tape. Our group didn't take long to find something that spoke to us. We ended up choosing what is called the "Bender". What it does, is curve metals into circular shapes. 

The reason our group decided to go with the bender was because it looked different from all the other machines in the room. It just stuck out to us and once we found it, we couldn't leave it. 

We loved the shape and the form. Especially the very top. The circular structure and the pattern of the spiral holes in the middle was what drew us in the most. 

Instead of looking at the structure as a whole we'll be looking at it as numerous small shapes that create one structure. We plan on breaking down each part of the equipment, piece by piece. Our group divided sections of the bender to work on, to quicken the process of re-creating it. Leaving enough room (hopefully) for any mistakes and extra touches. We're really aiming to have time to make the spiral and the bolts. 

To be successful with project bender, we'll be using a few techniques: cutting, taping, stacking, folding "L's", rolling, cutting slits, and making tabs. 

We also love the fact that the bender consists of more than one main shape. Many of equipment in the wood shop had only one or two forms. Mostly squares. Don't be a square...(tehe)

My assigned part of the project is making the stand from the very bottom to where the shapes change from being linear and flat to circular and curved. Kayla is assigned to make the circles on the top while Megan is assigned to create the pull without it weighing down the entire structure. 

As a group, we all agree that the hardest part about this project will be the pull. Everything on the structure is centered except for the pull. We believe that it'll be difficult to sustain the pull correctly without it causing to bring down the entire piece. Another difficulty we may cross is assuring that the  circles aren't "top heavy" compared to the stand.  Together we came up with solutions and gave them a try. After performing the test run and talking through our approach with the project, we're confident that our bender is going to look awesome. Even if it's only made out of rosin paper and masking tape. 

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