Lucky Gal

12:21 PM

This is just one of the MANY clovers I've found. I found this after work on my way to my car. I  looked down and BAM, four leaf clover. To be honest that's how I find clovers. Sometimes I'll squat down and search for them, but most of the time I'll walk by and it catches my eye. I think I've found a little over 20 just this year. Maybe it's because I do have a little bit of Irish in me? Or I'm just a lucky gal. When I find clovers, it's like a little reminder that tells me"You know things could be worse and you are pretty darn lucky for what you have" BUT I also know that finding these clovers means something spectacular will happen in my life. Well, that's what I think at least. Just haven't quite figured out what that "thing" will be. I guess we will just have to wait and see now won't we?

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