Wow Sushi (with iPhone Photos

4:26 PM

Last week, David and I had many days where we had no clue what we wanted for dinner. There was nothing in the house to eat and it was too hot to think twice about cooking. Especially with no AC in or near the kitchen area. We drove around aimlessly looking for something to eat. Nothing sounded appealing. We were going to give up until we drove past Wow Sushi! David suggested we try it because one of his co-workers mentioned how great they were. (His co-worker was right!) Plus, we haven't had sushi in a long time.
I'm not going to lie. I was a bit skeptical about eating sushi again, but I had reached that point where I didn't care what I ate anymore. David took me to eat sushi for the first time when we first started dating. I didn't like it at all. Since then, I've given sushi a few more tries. Now, I love sushi! 

The entrance is welcoming! I enjoy the sushi cartoons on the chalk board. They're so cute! It makes me want to eat em' up! 

Our view from our table. You can watch your sushi being made... and everyone else's (that was tough to watch)

What I like most about Wow Sushi is that they have many types of sushi to choose from. David and I spent a lot of time debating which rolls to get. Our waitress was patient and didn't try to rush us, like some waitress' do. Therefore, it made the process more smooth.

After much thought, this was our final order. 

David and I were drooling (literally) when our sushi was brought to us. I think our waitress and customers around us were laughing at us. Oh well. We each took a bite and stared at each other...our faces said it all. It tasted like victory! The whole time we ate we kept commenting about how fresh and delicious the sushi was. My favorites ended up being the Yum Yum Roll (bottom left) and the Hawaiian Roll (center). David's favorites were the Yum Yum Roll and the Triple Roll (top right)

My defeated chopsticks. I called quits after devouring so much sushi. I even had enough for leftovers. YES! 

Another thing I wanted to mention are the prices. For what and how much we got, the price was pretty reasonable. It was cheaper than our other favorite sushi place Wasabi. We love Wasabi for their Yum Yum Roll, but David and I both agree that Wow Sushi's was better and more affordable.

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